Course No
رقم المساق
Course Name
اسم المساق
Credit hours
الساعات المعتمدة
Course Description
وصف المساق
6166 |
Nuclear Physics |
3 |
The course gives deepening knowledge about nuclear structure and hadron physics, the
main areas of nuclear physics, including a certain level of training to carry out an
experiment and the corresponding data analysis. Other topics covered in this course
include nuclear properties., nucleon-nucleon interaction, scattering, nuclear models,
strong and electromagnetic interaction, optical models, resonance scattering and nuclear
reactions, including the calculation of the cross section for certain processes, production
and decay of nucleon and meson resonances., quark structure of hadrons, symmetry
properties of hadronic processes, and nuclear astrophysics. |
6167 |
Elementary Particle Physics |
3 |
This course covers various topics including the standard model for electroweak and strong
interactions, Feynman rules, quantitative comparing of theory and experiments for
scattering and disintegration processes. It also investigates topics such as neutrino
physics, (Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa) CKM mass mixing matrix, Higgs mechanism,
supersymmetry and unified theories. |
6168 |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
3 |
This course focuses on atomic structure: single electron atoms, two electron atoms, multielectron
atoms (N-electron problems), atoms in external fields, interaction of atoms and
light, electro-magnetic field quantization, transition rates, polarisation, oscillator
strengths and their spectral distribution, molecular structure & spectra; diatomic
molecular structure, spectra of diatomic molecules, long range interactions, scattering;
basic concepts, potential scattering, applications, plus some extended topics. |
6169 |
Solid State Physics |
3 |
In this course we cover various topics including crystal structure in real and reciprocal
space, Bragg's law and diffraction techniques, defects in solids; vibrations in solids
(phonons, mono and bi-atomic linear chain), heat capacity. We also explore topics on the
free electron gas, Fermi-Dirac distribution, electron specific heat, Hall effect, thermal
conductivity in metals; Bloch function, Fermi surface, Kronig-Penney model, Fermi
surface. An Introduction to the Tight Binding model will also be covered. We will also
investigate topics related to semiconductors (energy gap, carrier mobility, intrinsic and
extrinsic semiconductors) and the pn junction. We will also be studying magnetic
susceptibility, Hund's rules, Curie's law, hysteresis curve; Meissner effect, London
equation; and the BCS theory. |
6170 |
Plasma Physics |
3 |
This course covers the concept of plasmas along with various other topics including
quasineutrality, occurrence of plasmas, charged particle motion and adiabatic invariants,
microscopic and macroscopic description of plasma, classification of plasma,
Magnetohydrodynamics, Alfven waves and magnetoacoustic waves, diffusion and
resistivity of plasma. generalized Ohm's law, wave propagation in plasmas, plasma
instabilities, Landau damping, the production and diagnostics of plasmas in the
laboratory, technical plasma physics, thermonuclear fusion and plasma in space. |
6171 |
Nanophysics: technology and advanced materials |
3 |
This course will focus on nanomaterials' synthesis and technological developments. This
is a multidisciplinary module. It explores science and technology at the nanoscale. We will
study the physical properties of nanomaterials, the tools and techniques for nanosystem
fabrication and investigation; principles of mechanical, optical, electrical, and magnetic
nanosystems; current state of nanotechnology in physics and recent applications such as
plasmonics. |
6172 |
Physics of Energy and the Environment |
3 |
This graduate course will demonstrate the relevance of physics to topical issues of energy
and the environment. The course discusses applied concepts and equations of physics in
the mathematical description of energy transfer processes in natural energy sources and
in energy technologies. Analysis of efficiencies of energy transfer will be included. The
relevance of physics in understanding and improving energy technologies as well as
assessing their environmental impact will be emphasized. Specific topics will include; first
and second laws of thermodynamics, wind energy, Betz limit on efficiency of wind
turbines, solar energy, semiconductor physics relevant to solar cells, radioactivity, nuclear
reactors and nuclear waste disposal. A project towards the end of the course will lead
students to writing a review on a topic chosen from eg. current ideas in improving
efficiency in emerging energy technologies or Environmental impact of nuclear energy. |
6173 |
Advanced Radiation Physics |
3 |
This course covers topics including interaction mechanisms for electromagnetic radiation,
compton scattering, photoelectric absorption, fluorescence, pair-production, charged
particle interactions, concept of the stopping-power and the Bethe-Bloch formula, elastic
scattering, neutron capture and photoneutron production. We will also investigate topics
on radiation detection and dosimetry, mechanisms associated with the functioning of gasfilled
ionization chambers, as dosimeters, as proportional counters and Geiger counters,
Scintillation detectors and photomultipliers, semiconductor detectors and CCD cameras.
Other topics including the generation of therapeutic radiation, megavoltage x-ray beams
by linear accelerators and specification of beam quality, electron beams, Co-60
teletherapy, brachytherapy, kilovoltage x-rays will also be covered. We will also be
studying the principles of dosimetry, the biological effects of radiation, the concept of
radiation activity and dose, cavity theory and the determination of dose, the control of
radiation exposure, radiotherapy, production of radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals. |
6174 |
Health and Occupational Physics |
3 |
This course is comprised of lectures, tutorials and practical classes, some of which include
field trips to measure natural/medical radiation. The course is designed to introduce the
philosophy, protocols and practices of safety in the medical and industrial field, ensuring
workplace health and safety requirements are met necessary to minimize hazards
associated with radiation, electrical, mechanical and biological techniques. We will cover
various topics including the history of safety provisions, responsibility and legislation, role
of safety officer, medico-legal implications, causes of accidents and human error, hazard
analysis and system safety planning, instrumental safety - dialysis, electrical hazards,
electrical protection, and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation hazards. Topics on the
philosophy of radiation protection; absorbed dose, equivalent dose, effective dose,
radiation weighting factors, organ weighting factors, stochastic and deterministic effects,
recommendations on radiation dose limits, external and internal exposure, ingestion and
inhalation, annual limits on intake, derived limits, codes of practice, potential exposure
and constraint will also be covered. We will also investigate radiation protection in
medical areas, patients and professionals, radiation protection in mining and milling of
radioactive ores, radioactivity in soil, water, air and biota - pathway analysis, radiation
protection in other professional situations, transport, disposal, storage and handling of
radioactive materials. |
6175 |
Quantum Optics |
3 |
The course introduces the student to the semi-classical description as well as to the full
quantum theoretical description of the interaction between matter and nano structures.
These methods are used to describe the light field in various quantum optical states and
to describe absorption, emission and photo detection. We will work with the quantum
optical description of interference and coherence as well as with noise phenomena in
detectors and lasers. We will also study the generation and measurement of uniquely
quantum optical phenomena such as squeezed light and entanglement. The student is
also introduced to the quantum mechanical coupling between light and nano structures
in optical micro cavities as well as applications of quantum optics in metrology and
informatics. The student is thus introduced to the most current research in quantum
optics. |
6176 |
Shielding and Commissioning |
3 |
A course covering the science of opening a new radiation oncology center covers shielding
calculations, installing and running the acceptance testing of a linear accelerators, high
dose rate brachytherapy remote afterloader, CT simulators, and treatment planning
systems. It will also cover the commissioning of the treatment planning systems. |
6177 |
Medical Imaging |
3 |
This course is comprised of lectures, tutorials and practical classes, some of which include visits
to clinical centers. This course presents the fundamental principles of medical imaging techniques
such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), X-ray, computed tomography (CT), ultrasound (US),
positron emission tomography (PET), and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).
For each of these imaging modalities its physical principle, the mathematical methods for image
generation and reconstruction, its anatomical and physiological information content and its
limitations are discussed. |
6178 |
Monte Carlo Methods in Physics |
3 |
This course is comprised of both practical sessions and lectures. The instructor will decide
on the number of practical exercises in the form of practical sessions and homework. The
course provides a practical introduction to Monte Carlo methods in physics, Monte Carlo
integration, pseudorandom number generators, sampling, scoring, and precision, Markov
chain Monte Carlo, application of Monte Carlo methods to solve numerical equations in
physics involving linear operators, the fundamentals of the physics of radiation transport,
and applications of Monte Carlo simulations to classical and quantum systems and
radiation transport. |
6179 |
Special Topics in Physics |
3 |
Subject matter to be selected by instructor and students on an ad hoc basis in specific
areas at the master's level. |
6180 |
Methods in Experimental Physics |
3 |
This course is comprised of lectures and practical classes, some of which include
experimental data processing, analysis and presentation. The course is based on the
modern approach of information theory. It presents novel experimental techniques,
tools, and data processing methods for physics applications. It shows students how to
plan and perform experimental investigations, data processing, and interpretation. |
6181 |
Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics |
3 |
In this class, students will get an overview of the modern state of computational fluid dynamics
while taking a detailed mathematical look at several important CFD topics. Concepts that are
developed in class will be applied in a series of programming-based homework assignments and
projects. We will study several discretization methods, including the finite volume method, the
finite element method, and the hybrid control volume finite element method (CVFEM), while
discussing numerical modeling concepts (like conservation and stability) that are common to all
methods. Specific physical modeling topics that will be covered are turbulence modeling (include
basic turbulent flow physics, Reynolds averaged models, and Large Eddy Simulation), and
techniques for modeling flows with moving boundaries and fluid-structure interaction. |