Master of Electrical Engineering

رقم التخصص : Major No:
الساعات المعتمدة: Course credit:
الكلية: College:
المستوى: Level:
مرفقات: Attachments:

A Joint Master in Electrical Engineering program between Palestine Polytechnic University and Birzeit University. The Program leads to a Master degree in Electrical Engineering in either Telecommunication or Power concentrations. The program is a result of joint efforts between three Palestinian universities (Palestine Polytechnic University, Birzeit University and Palestine Technical University-Khadori), representatives of Palestinian industry (JDECo and PITA), and four European universities (UoS-UK, ESTIA-France, TUCN-Romania, and RU-Bulgaria) in a project funded by Tempus–European Union. The Tempus project has equipped PPU and BZU with labs with all the needed facilities, software, and equipment to establish an up-to-date research environment.

The courses of the program will be delivered every semester alternatively between Palestine Polytechnic University and Birzeit University. All project partners will participate in the delivery of most courses and theses’ supervisions.



Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU)-Palestine, Birzeit University (BZU)-Palestine, Palestine Technical University (PTU)-Palestine, University of Salford-UK, ESTIA Institute of Technology -France,  Technical University of Cluj-Napoca- Romania,  University of Ruse Angel Kanchev-Bulgaria, Palestinian Information Technology Association of Companies (PITA)-Palestine, and Jerusalem District Electricity Company-Palestine.


Program Duration

Program duration will be at least 2 years.


Procedure for completing the Master Thesis

  1. The master thesis should be equivalent to 6 credit hours.

  2. Master thesis topic should be agreed upon by a committee selected from the staff and approved by the deanship of graduate studies.

  3. The student should prepare a proposal for the subject matter of his/her research thesis under the supervision of an advisor/s.

  4. The advisors and the committee monitor the progress of the student in his research and finally the student defends his thesis.


Admission Requirements

  • Have a BSc degree from a recognized university with a very good standing in one of the following disciplines: Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Communication Engineering, Power Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering, Computer Systems Engineering, Computer Engineering, or Mechatronics Engineering;

  • Provide two sealed recommendation letters;

  • Personal interview with the program committee may be required.

Program Mission

JMEE degree aims to contribute to the advancement of Palestinian Electrical Engineering, by providing technical, scientific, and research skills to students. Graduates would be better prepared to use their skillsets for leadership in the fields of telecommunication engineering and electric power engineering, to meet the - local, regional, and global markets’ needs.

Program objectives

The proposed program aims in general to develop the knowledge and experience of students in the field branches of telecommunications engineering and electrical power engineering, that would consequently lead to develop the telecommunications and electrical energy sectors in Palestine, through keeping up with the development in this important field. This objective is achieved by training senior telecommunication system engineers and electrical power engineers who can engage in planning, designing and researching, and who can design and manufacture circuits and equipments required in telecommunication and electrical power industries and various civilian and military organizations in Palestine. They can also assume teaching and educational positions in engineering colleges and universities in Palestine or abroad. In addition the program forms the base for continued education on doctorate level.

The sub-objectives of the program:

  1. Create distinctive competencies in the field branches of telecommunications engineering and electric power engineering, capable of development, offering consultations and training for engineers and technicians.

  2. Provide students capabilities to define, analyze and solve real telecom and electrical power problems.

  3. Provide an opportunity for students acquire high practical and intellectual skills and to keep up with developments in the telecommunications and electrical power and make use of them in the development of pertaining sectors in Palestine.

  4. Meet the wish and request of working Palestinian engineers and support the national economy by providing them an opportunity to enroll in a masters degree program in electric power engineering, in either telecommunications or electric power, locally instead of travelling abroad.

  5. Develop and improve the academic and educational level at both universities in the field of electrical engineering.

  6. Encourage scientific research amongst students and enhance their capabilities to write reports and scientific papers and present them orally.

  7. Teach students the process of self-learning and enhance their professional careers.

  8. Provide students with capabilities and knowledge necessary to assess technical and scientific products.

  9. Open forums for research cooperation with internationally recognized universities and research centers

  10. Encourage faculty members to focus on advanced hot topics and technologies.

  11. Encourage development and career advancement for students, and engineers working at institutions, companies and universities.

Through successful launching of this program, Palestinian Universities would achieve their missions by graduating academic competencies, required for developing the Palestinian society, in the mentioned vital field branches, with a potential opportunity to achieve industrial and economical development, required for the establishment of the Palestinian State. Both university missions, in addition, call upon encouraging scientific research through the thesis vehicle, journal articles and conference proceedings. Research problems of an applied nature would motivate creative solutions in the engineering field branches of telecommunications and electrical power.


The following are the Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) of the program:

  • An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to solve telecommunications and electrical power engineering problems
  • An ability to design and conduct experiments related to the electrical power engineering, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
  • An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
  • An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.
  • An ability to identify, formulate, and solve telecommunication engineering and electrical power engineering problems.
  • An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
  • An ability to communicate effectively.
  • An understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.
  • A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
  • A knowledge of contemporary issues.
  • An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for practices in telecommunications engineering and electrical power engineering.