برنامج ماجستير الأنظمة الذكية Master of Intelligent Systems

رقم التخصص : Major No:
الساعات المعتمدة: Course credit:
الكلية: College:
المستوى: Level:
مرفقات: Attachments:

The launch of the Master of Intelligent Systems program comes as an outcome of our belief in the inevitability of our universities to cope with the global advancements accompanying the fourth industrial revolution, manifested by the spread of artificial intelligence and its applications in all aspects of life and the economic, development, welfare and operational opportunities that this represents.


We believe that Intelligent Systems is a special field with different disciplines from which we call Tracks here. The program will start with two tracks, the "data science" path and the "Intelligent robot systems" path. The tracks share basic courses where the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning courses are the ultimate. Due to the rapid contact of artificial intelligence and Intelligent systems with people's lives, a course has been devoted to discussing the ethical, legal and societal aspects of these systems, which contributes to the graduation of informed and enlightened learners. Given that many smart systems and their algorithms simulate natural intelligence (human and biological), a special course has been designed that will give learners basic knowledge and sufficient sensitivity to distinguish between natural and artificial.


The data science course covers recent trends in big data topics, including its representation and analysis, and dealing with applications and tools for its analysis, in addition to data mining in order to retrieve information from textual data and data available on other media such as pictures and videos. The course also covers concepts and algorithms for displaying data, programming it and using its own applications and technologies, as well as processing natural languages ​​and programming its own algorithms, allowing natural language communication between man and machine. It is noteworthy that the course deals with data science from the perspective of artificial intelligence and machine learning as well as from a statistical perspective.


The "Intelligent Robotics Systems" track covers fixed industrial robots, mobile ground robots, and that plane. It explores the dynamics, design, and control issues, in addition to applying smart algorithms in human interaction with robots, and what enables these robots to move and work autonomously in natural and artificial environments. Finally, this path leads to being able to contribute to the development of cars to become self-driving.

يهدف برنامج الأنظمة الذكية إلى إنتاج خريجين قادرين على القيام بالاتي:

  1. تطبيق ما تعلموه في برنانجهم للمعالجة الشاملة للمشاكل التقنية والمجتمعية مع التحلي بالإبداع والثقة والمسؤولية.

  2. متابعة التعليم المتقدم والبحث والتطوير، بالإضافة إلى القيام بجهود تنم عن الإبداع والابتكار في العلوم والهندسة والتكنولوجيا وغيرها من الوظائف المهنية.

  3. إظهار الكفاءات السلوكية والتقنية والقيادية والتمتع بالاندماج بالثقافات من أجل بناء مهن ناجحة على الصعيدين المحلي والعالمي.

  4. العمل كسفراء للأنظمة الذكية من خلال إظهار أعلى المستويات والمعايير الأخلاقية والمهنية، ومن خلال التواصل والتأكيد على أهمية هذا المجال الحيوي.

  5. الحفاظ على الفضول الفكري الذي يحفز التعلم مدى الحياة ويسمح للاستجابة المرنة للتحديات سريعة التطور في المستقبل.

Skills and abilities of a graduate of the Intellugent Robot Systems:

  • Analyzing, modeling and simulating the movement and dynamics of robots (industrial arm / mobile robot) and similar intelligent mechanisms.
  • Designing and building specialized robots and smart mechanisms and controlling the movement of robots in various ways.
  • Developing robot softwares for integrated industrial and service systems.
  • Using different sensors, integrating them, and extracting information through modern methods and algorithms that depend on the possibility-oriented and the artificial intelligence.
  • Application of methods, algorithms, tools, artificial intelligence and machine learning to robotic systems.
  • Design and implement robotic systems capable of interacting physically and cognitively with humans.
  • Using artificial vision systems in industrial and service environments and integrating them with robotic systems.
  • Analyze and develop smart solutions for autonomous systems (driverless cars) in terms of control, motion planning, artificial visibility, mapping and site creation.


Skills and capabilities of the graduates of the Data Science Track: 

  • Dealing with big data, including representation, analysis and extraction of patterns.
  • Dealing with applications and tools for big data analysis and investing their properties.
  • Developing data display and programming algorithms in addition to the ability to use available applications and technologies.
  • Prospecting to retrieve information from textual data on the Internet and to apply search and search algorithms to other media such as pictures and videos.
  • Natural language processing and programming of its algorithms, allowing natural language communication between man and machine.
  • Employment opportunities: Statistics and data analysis institutions, the health sector and especially diagnosis based on data analysis, the industrial sector, including from companies developing smart systems such as automatic identification systems and human-machine interaction systems, institutions involved in smart marketing and the study of consumer patterns, polling institutions and studying community trends, Universities and research centers.


Industry, transportation, integrated systems, image processing, luxury products and assistive technology for people with special needs, the elderly and prostheses, auto and smart manufacturers, hospitals and rehabilitation centers, universities and research centers