Applied Biology

رقم التخصص : Major No:
الساعات المعتمدة: Course credit:
الكلية: College:
المستوى: Level:
مرفقات: Attachments:

Applied biology involves the practical application of biological knowledge to address a wide range of societal challenges, as the principles of life sciences permeate numerous aspects of our daily lives. It plays a pivotal role in enhancing our health and environmental conditions, particularly in the realms of food production and quality improvement, as well as the advancement of technological industries reliant on living organisms. Additionally, modern biological technologies have the potential to significantly contribute to environmental preservation through innovative water treatment methods, comprehensive waste management solutions, and enhanced production quality across various sectors.

In contrast to the "fundamental" sciences, applied biology distinguishes itself by its emphasis on harnessing practical knowledge rather than exploring the unknown. Consequently, it centers its efforts on discovering tangible solutions to pressing societal issues affecting health, food security, and environmental well-being.

The applied biology program represents a pioneering development in Palestinian higher education. It departs from the conventional biology programs typically offered by Palestinian universities, as it prioritizes practical and applied facets across diverse domains, including industry, agriculture, and the environment, instead of adhering strictly to traditional theoretical studies. One of its standout attributes is its keen focus on practical training, producing a new generation equipped to engage with cutting-edge technology and contribute to society's welfare by applying the latest scientific breakthroughs in various life science fields, encompassing health, agriculture, industry, and cognitive sciences.

The distinct advantage of this program lies in its destination, which extends beyond the government education sector, unlike most graduates from traditional biology programs. Instead, it serves as a valuable resource for industries such as food production, as well as the health and agricultural sectors, by providing graduates who possess the expertise to apply the latest biological findings for the betterment and advancement of society.


  1. To introduce students to the fundamental theoretical and practical concepts of life sciences and biotechnology, emphasizing their relevance to various aspects of life. Encouraging a problem-solving approach to learning and highlighting their potential contributions to addressing societal issues within Palestine.
  2. Our program aims to foster students' familiarity with the concept of learning through problem-solving. This equips them to gain a deep understanding of Palestinian society across various sectors, with a particular focus on areas where applied biology plays a crucial role, such as the food and chemical industries, as well as the health and agricultural sectors.
  3. We strive to provide students with essential research experience in the fields of life sciences and biotechnology, encompassing medicine, agriculture, food production, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, environmental sciences, and other related industries. This hands-on experience will prepare students for meaningful contributions in these sectors.
  4. Our program aims to prepare students to actively participate in the educational process as both educators and researchers. We equip them with the skills to adapt to the rapidly changing educational landscape and to contribute to the ongoing educational advancements in our nation.
  5. We seek to enable students to bridge the gap between technical, chemical, and environmental life sciences. Students will comprehend how these disciplines interact and their real-world applications, as well as their impact on our daily lives.
  6. Our program empowers students to identify and address the most critical local needs within relevant fields, ensuring that their education is grounded in the specific challenges faced by our community.
  7. We aim to strengthen and expand the collaboration between our university's scientific faculty and local community institutions. This collaboration is geared towards elevating the level of community service in applied biology to international standards. We also facilitate coordination and networking among local community institutions to conduct activities that promote the importance and active role of applied biology in our society.
  8. We actively promote scientific research within our university by harnessing the resources and expertise of our research units, such as the Biotechnology Research Center and the Environmental and Alternative Energy Research Unit. Moreover, we encourage collaborative research ventures between our university and local as well as international academic institutions.
  9. We are committed to spreading scientific knowledge and awareness within relevant fields. To achieve this, we organize forums, conferences, and scientific lectures that are accessible to all segments of society, fostering a culture of scientific inquiry and understanding.

Upon completing the program, graduates will have acquired a comprehensive set of knowledge, practical skills, and technical expertise in various areas of life sciences and biotechnology. The program's key outcomes include:


  • Graduates will have a strong foundation in essential supporting sciences, including mathematics, biostatistics, chemistry, physics, and computer science
  • Graduates will possess a deep understanding of general life sciences, with a well-balanced focus on human, animal, plant, and microbial disciplines.
  • Graduates will be well-versed in biotechnology sciences and will have explored various fields within biotechnology.
  • Graduates will be equipped to address societal needs in diverse ways, including health, agriculture, and biotechnology-related industries. They will have the capability to develop practical solutions for these challenges, navigate the complexities of applying cutting-edge findings in life sciences and biotechnology, and facilitate knowledge transfer to society.
  • The program will nurture a problem-based learning mindset among graduates.
  • Graduates will have honed their abilities in applied scientific research through hands-on participation in selected research projects.


  • Graduates can find opportunities in ministries related to health, agriculture, environment, and water authorities.
  • Employment prospects include diagnostic and molecular laboratories where graduates can engage in critical research and testing.
  • Graduates are well-suited for positions in industries such as food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, manufacturing, and other sectors that utilize biotechnology for production and research.
  • Graduates can work in liquid and solid waste treatment and recycling plants, contributing to environmental sustainability efforts.
  • Opportunities exist in foreign institutions dedicated to food, agriculture, environmental preservation, and related challenges.
  • Graduates can pursue careers in research centers and units, donor organizations, and legislative institutions specializing in biology and biotechnology.
  • Graduates can become educators in the education sector, teaching biology and related subjects at various levels in both local and foreign higher education institutions.
  • Graduates can continue their academic journey by pursuing postgraduate studies.
  • Graduates may also find opportunities in specialized civil society institutions dedicated to environmental, agricultural, and health-related causes.
  • Graduates have the potential to create their own projects and ventures, leveraging their knowledge and skills in applied biology and biotechnology.