College of Applied Professions

Medical Secretary

يتيح هذا البرنامج الفرصة لحملة الثانوية العامة الحصول على دبلوم متخصص في أعمال السكرتارية للالتحاق بسوق العمل في القطاع الصحي , والذي يزداد اتساعاً يوماً بعد يوم  لا سيما بعد ازدياد المستشفيات والعيادات والمراكز التي تقدم الخدمات الصحية , وازدياد الوعي بأهمية المعلومات وأهمية التخصص بالعمل والاهتمام بالسكرتارية المتخصصة , والاستفادة من خريج هذا التخصص في مجال مساعدة العاملين في القطاع الصحي  في إدارة بعض الخدمات الصحية , بالإضافة إلى الخدمات الأساسية التي تقع في صلب تخصصه.

Computer Systems Engineering Technology

The Computer Systems Technology specialization is highly popular because technology and its specialties naturally provide services that are indispensable, as they represent one of the future specialties. This specialization came in response to the rapid development in the computer world and its use, as well as the rapid technological revolution in the world. This is achieved by providing balanced information between software and hardware.

Programming of Computer Applications and Web Pages

Due to the rapid progress in the use of computers as a primary means of exchanging information in scientific, cultural, commercial, and other fields, it is a modern specialization that meets all these needs, especially since the internet has become a major role in the development of society in all sectors. The specialization was designed to enable the student to possess the skills related to the preparation and design of pages, advanced programming languages, and training on modern applications for designing web pages.


Mobile Application Programming

Many studies have shown the need for a technical program in the field of smartphone applications and maintenance to serve local and global communities. As part of its policy of keeping pace with all developments and the needs of the job market, the College of Applied Professions, in partnership with many consultants and experts in the industry, has developed the curriculum for this specialization.


Legal Secretary

يهدف هذا التخصص إلى دعم المجتمع المحلي عن طريق توفير خريجين قادرين على تلبية حاجات السوق المحلي المتعلقة بمجال الحقوق والمحاكم والمحاماة والقضاء والمستشارين الحقوقيين, لتمكين المنظمات الخاصة والعامة من الاستفادة من هذا التخصص , وتقديم مساندة ودعم كبير لقطاع الحقوقيين في المجتمع وتحسين قدرة المنظمات المختلفة العاملة في هذا القطاع من حيث الأداء والجودة والخدمات التي تقدمها على الصعيد المحلي والعالمي.


Digital Media

Given the widespread use of social media platforms, a digital media specialization is regarded as one of the more crucial majors. It is based on a new curriculum that aims to give students a variety of skills by embracing the idea of fieldwork as a novel strategy in the area of technology-based media. As the main objective is to graduate a pioneering media student, the program specifically focuses on giving students the abilities to work independently.


Management and Technology of Stone and Marble

تم تحديث خطة تخصص الحجر والرخام بحيث تتناسب مع متطلبات قطاع صناعة الحجر والرخام، وقد تركزت الخطة على الجانب الإداري لمنشآت الحجر والرخام بالإضافة إلى الجانب التكنولوجي والتصنيعي للحجر والرخام.
وقد تم استحداث مساقات جديدة مثل الرسم الفني والأتوكاد، الإنجليزي الفني، حساب الكميات والتكاليف، مبادئ المحاسبة، نظم المعلومات لمنشآت الحجر، تكنولوجيا التحجير، المقاييس والجودة وغيرها من المساقات التي تخدم قطاع صناعة الحجر والرخام.

Survey Engineering

The massive development witnessed by the cities of the West Bank at the present time, in addition to the citizen's needs to identify the borders of his land, has created an urgent need for the presence of a technical staff to master the understanding of the spatial and structural engineering plans and to be able to deal with them in a field manner.

Civil Engineering

One of the branches of engineering concerned with the study, design and analysis of various civil facilities such as residential and service buildings and roads. It provides the labor market with a student who has the practical capabilities to draw plans and calculate quantities through various computer programs. A graduate of this specialization is  considered a link between the worker and the engineer.