Bachelor's Programs

إدارة الأعمال المعاصرة - فرعي إدارة المشاريع

يتفرع هذا التخصص من برنامج إدارة الإعمال المعاصرة ويعنى بتأهيل خريجين في مجال ادارة المشاريع لحمل أعباء ادارة المشاريع المختلفة في القطاع العام او الخاص، حيث ان هناك نقصا في الكوادر المؤهلة لادارة المشاريع المختلفة على اسس علمية صحيحة.

مستحضرات التجميل

تتمثل رسالة برنامج البكالوريوس في مستحضرات التجميل في العمل على رفع المستوى التقني والصحي والسلامة في قطاع تصنيع وتحضير المستحضرات الطبية التجميلية في المجتمع المحلي وذلك من خلال إعداد الكوادر البشرية المؤهلة علمياً وعملياً في هذا المجال للعمل في القطاع العام والأهلي والخاص وكذلك إعداد خبراء تجميل ذوو كفاءة عالية مع المهارات الأساسية للبحث العلمي لتوفير خبراء مستحضرات تجميلية مركزة على العناية بالبشرة والجسم والشعر والتجميل بشكل عام داخل المجتمع.

Production and Industrial Process Engineering (PPE)

The Bachelor of Production and Industrial Process Engineering degree program at Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU) is designed to prepare students to participate effectively in the development and operation of production and manufacturing processes, and implementing production and processing solutions in society's rapidly changing technologically advanced manufacturing-related industry cluster, particularly in Palestine and the Middle East. Graduates will have a firm grasp on production and processing engineering as well as industrial management.

Renewable Energy Engineering

Renewable energy has become a globally recognized issue, and its significance is particularly pronounced in Palestine due to limited resources and the Israeli control over them. Given this context, academic focus on renewable energy has intensified, particularly within the Arab region and specifically in Palestine. Currently, academic programs at the bachelor's degree level in the field of renewable energy remain limited, with no comparable program available in the West Bank.

Program Areas:

Applied Sociology (under accreditation)

The Applied Sociology program presents a pioneering and unconventional model in its design and implementation by focusing on four main tracks: Employing the critical sociological imagination to understand contemporary social phenomena and problems, developing students’ practical cognitive abilities in conducting research and evaluating policies effectively in various social and organizational environments, Practical employment in the field of understanding social problems, especially crime, violence, and social deprivation.

Applied Psychology

This discipline is interested in the practical study of human behavior and human personality. Also, it works to apply theories, rules, and principles of psychology to any topic of human behavior and its various activities. Applied psychology consists of using the knowledge obtained and methods developed by basic psychology to solve everyday problems, increase the quality of life or prepare groups of people work more conveniently.

English Language and Public Relations

English language is crucial to keep pace with the rapid development in all areas of life. It opens up a variety of job opportunities. This program qualifies the students to excel in several work fields; such as the field of English language teaching (with the possibility of obtaining educational qualification diploma in conjunction with completing graduation requirements), the field of translation, and the field of public relations.

The Kindergarten Program

The kindergarten program is one of the most important programs that work on developing society by developing the individuals and enabling them to solve problems facing their societies in creative and scientific ways. Since the evolution of the nations is measured by their progress in the educational aspect, this program aims to put our country at the forefront of countries by teaching our students how to deal with children in ways that are based on cognitive, psychological, and social aspects.